Calm before the storm - Updated

Updated: FCP to AE - No duck:

Creative Workflow Hacks

Nice list of filmmaker freebies here:

List of 15 freeware apps for filmmakers

Also, Shane over at Little Frog has a line on a nice set of plugins for FCP. One of which is a low cost alternative to Toon it. An effect that I always loved. I have actually implemented this effect before in a music video but the way that I accomplished it was by hand painting 380 frames of video using Corel's Painter.

A plug in would have made the process MUCH less painful! Painter supports "actions" which are similar to macros in that you can recored a set of keystrokes and then play them back. This was my first approach to this problem (read: I r lazy) but the frames all had similar brush stroke effects on them so I ended up going back and doing each one by hand.

Nancy picked up an HD of our next Hot Rod TV show last night. It's another rush job for cut-down / offlining. I'll post about the show once we get into looking at it. Tomorrow I have a jam session here at the house. It's the usual suspects with Walter Goad and KC Philips on rhythm guitar, Bob Robles on bass, Mike Mahoney on drums and yours truely on lead guitar.

It's been about 3 months since we had one of these jams so I am looking forward to it. Today will be spent prepping the house for the jam. Nancy won't be able to work on the show until Monday as she always plays the supreme hostess for the band and she would not be able to hear any of the sound in the show with a live band blasting in the livingroom anyway :)

Quartermile has also given us a headsup about the next show as well. Telling us it will be 2X the data that we normally get from them. The way that we edit with them is that we drop off an FW HD and pick it up from them when it's full (dropping off a replacement drive for the next show).

When we are done with the edit we just e-mail the FCP project to the client. This way we work completely at home with very little commuting. Keeps the air cleaner and it's a much nicer envoronment in which to edit the shows.


modifoo said…
Great link to the software. Thanks!
B-Scene Films said…
*gasp* Someone actually reads this blog!


My pleasure Modifoo!

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